To serve you well, I have to keep all issues in context. This paper, Overwork in America, covers some important concepts. The following paragraphs explain how I intend to apply what I gleaned from this article. As a freelancer, I am responsible for determining my schedule.
- I have to take care of my health. In my case, exercise is essential to stay healthy. It takes time.
- I need to manage some family issues so they do not distract me when I work. As some of you may be aware, my mother-in-law has been needing more support since January of 2016.
My schedule in 2017 will be approximately as follows:
- Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: work from 9 to 5
- Tuesdays: Family issues
- Fridays: Combination of family issues and work
- Saturdays: Rarely available
- Sundays: Not available
In 2017, my work time will be more efficient. And my play time and home time will be more focused on those issues, so I can come back to you ready to work!