I recently returned from Mexico, where I was honored to be a guest speaker at the Congreso San Jerónimo, in Guadalajara.
Check here for the presentations I gave there!
I gave the following two presentations:
El traductor – responsable de una buena lectura tanto del texto original como del texto meta. This presentation focused on understanding the source text in depth, and having a conversation with the client when there are questions regarding the meaning of the source text. We covered concepts from Eugene Nida and Paul Grice along the way.
This presentation, also in Spanish, included concepts I picked up from the Better Business Bureau, my Errors and Omissions policy conversations with my insurer and other sources.
Both presentations were well received, and I promised to post them online. A promise made is a promise kept, so here they are!
Here are some other links I made reference to in various presentations:
- Descriptions of what interpreters and translators are and do, supported by nine professional associations.
- ATA Savvy Newcomer: Tips and resources for interpreters and translators
- Cuatro Mosqueteras: a blog with resources to improve Spanish writing
- My blog: Includes a page of business practices and a translation training class. The business practices page includes a rate calculator worksheet and some surveys.