Translation: medical and education topics 2024

Because most full-time interpreter positions include translation services, translation is relevant to interpreters. CCHI now grants CE credits for translation-related courses. See Translation in Medical Encounters, a review of the Job Tasks Analyses done by CCHI and NBCMI, on this topic. Helen has also observed that most interpreters in educational settings are also expected to provide translation services.

At the end of the course, students can:

Our online classes are based on real-time interaction, like an in-person discussion group. Our students always leave satisfied, no matter what their goals. To keep that intimate atmosphere, we limit classes to ten students per instructor.

You can read more about our class environment, technology required, and recommended resources on our general information page.

How do I register?

To register for the class, simply email the registration form with the subject line “Medical and Education Translation Interest” to helen at gauchatranslations dot com.  A few weeks before the first class, or when the class is full, I will send everyone signed up the admissions test. I should return your finished test within a week and tell you if you have been accepted or not.

How much does it cost?

Full course $390.00
With 15% discount for members of professional associations $331.50

What is the schedule for this class?

Day: Wednesdays, November 6 to December 11, 2024

Time: 5:00-6:30 PM Pacific, 8:00 – 9:30 PM Eastern

There will be five sessions. There is no class on November 27 (the week of Thanksgiving)

What is the syllabus?

SessionDateTheory topicHomework discussion
1Nov 6, 2024Terminology researchAdmissions test
2Nov 13, 2024Differences between oral and written communicationMedical/education translations into Spanish
3Nov 20, 2024Elements of good writing in SpanishMedical/education translations into Spanish
4Dec 4, 2024Differences between English and Spanish writingSpanish writing assignment
5Dec 11, 2024Final questionsMedical/education translations into Spanish

What continuing ed will I get?

We will request CE credits from CCHI, ATA, the Oregon courts, the Washington Courts, Washington DSHS LTC.