Accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 2013
A+ rating with the BBB.
HIPAA-level compliance for remote work
Zoom is the Gaucha Translations solution for all teleconference meetings initiated by Gaucha Translations. This Zoom page details HIPAA compliance.
Sharefile is the Gaucha Translations solution for sharing files with clients over the web. This Sharefile HIPAA Compliance page gives the details. Gaucha Translations uses this system because of its strong reliability.
Translation certifications held by Helen Eby, owner of Gaucha Translations LLC (GT)
- American Translators Association (ATA) English to Spanish since 2018.
ATA English to Spanish Certification Helen Eby
- ATA Spanish to English since 2016.
- Both exams have a 12% pass rate.
Helen Eby, owner of Gaucha Translations LLC, has been successfully preparing candidates to pass the ATA English to Spanish and Spanish to English Certification Translation Exam since 2016. Helen Eby either translates or reviews virtually every translation done by Gaucha Translations. She only works with colleagues who are ATA Certified in the appropriate language pair as translators or reviewers.
Helen Eby’s memberships
- American Translators Association (11000 members): Administrator of Interpreters Division (4100 members) 2018-2022. Published study on translation at healthcare interpreting encounters. Leader of The Savvy Newcomer, ATA’s Blog for Newbies to Translating and Interpreting, since 2013.
- National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators: CoChair of Advocacy Committee in 2017. Prepared training on Advocacy for members.
- Oregon Translators and Interpreters Society. Founding President (2014-2016), after winning the first-rate increase for court interpreters in over 15 years.
- Spanish Editors Association. Founding President since 2018. The association has written guidelines for editing and been present at editors association meetings.
- Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce. Gaucha Translations LLC has been a member of the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce for many years and was the Annual Sponsor of Conéctate (the LatinX outreach) in 2018.
All translations are edited. They are all the work of two ATA-certified professionals. One ATA-certified translator translates and a second ATA-certified translator reviews. Together, we come up with the best translation.
All translations are provided according to CLAS standards and the four-eyes principle.
This is similar to the publication process for the materials we receive for translation, which has been reviewed by multiple people. Our translations are generally either intended for publication or for use as a basis for a medical or legal decision, and this process minimizes risk. Both translators are from different parts of Latin America to balance each other’s perspectives.
Most materials to be translated are for medical services, human services, or courts. The following chart explains our perspective on the appropriate use of technology and client glossaries.
Documents with repeated phrases and terminology are suitable for CAT tool use.
Many of the issues that apply to the documents in the right column can apply to these documents as well. |
Documents that come in audio form, have embedded graphics or tables, are handwritten or are highly creative are generally less suited to automation.
These documents also have a tendency to depart from previously developed glossaries, since terms have different meanings depending on context. |
Some examples of rush and urgent translations:
- Emergency public safety news releases
- Fact sheets containing information that has a direct and immediate impact on the general population or an affected population
- Inclement weather
- Child welfare issues
- Immediate changes in client services
- Office closures.
We have been providing translation services for hospitals and community organizations, translating manuals, forms, legal documents, radio scripts, audio translations, client correspondence, handwritten correspondence, flyers, marketing materials, emergency public safety news releases, fact sheets, urgent public announcements regarding public health, for over 15 years in a timely and accurate fashion. Helen Eby has provided volunteer consulting services for the Federal Government regarding the translation of emergency public safety news releases at times of national emergency as well.
Our Business Practices align with the International Federation of Translators (IFT-FIT)
Our processes and negotiation practices align with the principles outlined by the International Federation of Translators in 2015.
- Seek a rate commensurate with the experience and expertise of the professionals on our team.
- Negotiate realistic deadlines.
- Not use Machine Translation, per DAS requirements, and based on principles outlined by FIT.
- Negotiate rates and deadlines that allow us to spend the necessary time to produce the desired translation at the desired quality. Low rates force us to rush our work and cut corners.
- Have regular dialog by whatever means possible with our clients to clarify potential misunderstandings regarding the meaning of the text, the scope or purpose of the translation, or any other expectations.
- Follow established ASTM standards in our work. These provide a good basis for establishing and agreeing on mutual expectations and requirements. IFT-FIT has published a paper on Standards.
Purchase Order information needed
- Contact information for the translation requester
- Document source language
- Translated document target language
- Description of the target audience.
- Are glossaries available? How much input can the translator have in updating them?
- Is there a translation memory? How much can the translator update it?
- All translations done with us will be performed by ATA Certified translators.
- All translations done by us are reviewed by a second ATA Certified translator for quality assurance.
- We believe that our Errors and Omissions is understood to cover the documents as delivered by Gaucha Translations, not as modified by Gaucha Translations clients. Therefore, we request that our clients consult with us before making changes to Gaucha Translations translation products.
- 2% discount for same day payment.
- Click on our translation worksheet for full details. This worksheet was developed based on ASTM standards. Helen Eby was the ASTM Technical Contact for Translation when the 2014 issue of the Translation standard was released.
Job tracking process
We use a variety of mechanisms to track projects, including online scheduling and task planning systems that allow for team communication. By using these, we have been able to consistently meet deadlines for clients with pad. When there is a need to inform the client about a change in schedule because the project scope is beyond what was originally anticipated or due to force majeure, we inform the client immediately to find a mutually agreeable solution.
Systems available for sharing files with clients
ShareFile and Dropbox allow us to share files with clients with the latest security oversight, allowing only people with verified need to access the documents in question. These systems log who accesses the files at what time. These systems can be accessed through desktop computers and mobile devices.
Translation software
Gaucha Translations regularly works with software based on the needs of the project and the client.
- When graphic design or website design is required, Gaucha Translations partners with experienced providers in these fields.
Terms and conditions
Gaucha Translations terms and conditions for translation – Gaucha Translations