I did an online computer survey of my colleagues and closed it on June 14, 2017, when we had obtained about 300 responses. It was publicized by Twitter, Facebook, and through listservs.
Computer monitors at the home office
Q: How many computer monitors do you have in your home office?
283 answered this question.
63%: Two or more monitors.
37%: One monitor.
Q: What size are the monitors in your home office?
283 answered this question
61%: The biggest I could get.
39%: Whatever came with the computer
Conclusion: At the home office, translators try to get as much screen surface as possible.
Computer monitors when we travel
Q: How many computer screens do you work with when you travel?
253 answered this question.
82%: One screen
12%: Two screens
6%: “I don’t work when I’m traveling.”
Q: What size are the monitors you work with when you travel?
202 answered this question.
65%: 17-inch laptop
28%: Mini laptop
13%: Smart phone
4%: Large iPad pro
4%: “I don’t work when I’m traveling.”
2.5%: Tablet
Total: 119.5%
Conclusion: On the road, translators mostly travel with one monitor, but generally try to get as much screen as possible on their travel computer. Some are using more than one screen.