Gaucha Thanksgiving update

This is an overview of things I care about. It covers government contracting, life, employment status, and how to prepare to have a professional profile. All of this is connected... Happy reading! Employment classification In California and New Jersey there is a lot of discussion about employment classification and its ramifications. This is a complex [...]

By |2020-03-10T14:19:42-07:00November 26th, 2019|Certification, Helen Eby, Translation|

Gaucha Translations translation course: 40 hours with a third-party exit exam

Why give a certificate? Over the years, people have attended our class for many reasons. In 2019, one student said she attended our class because a client needed proof that she had taken translation training. We did not expect this. Significantly more than 12% of our students pass the ATA certification exam. Most of those [...]

By |2019-11-25T09:01:31-08:00November 25th, 2019|Certification, Translation|

Why work with a team of ATA Certified Spanish translators?

The English to Spanish and Spanish to English exams are rigorous. They have a 12% pass rate. They test accurate message transfer, grammar, syntax, spelling, in a balanced way. Helen Eby, owner of Gaucha Translations, has passed both exams and trains others to pass them. Her reviewers are also certified. Why work with a translator [...]

By |2019-11-13T23:35:05-08:00November 13th, 2019|Translation|

Translating official documents: international treaty language

Today the immigration situation leads to deportees having to create powers of attorney when they are already abroad. Unexpected situations come up once they are deported. Recently I translated a power of attorney for a Mexican deportee. It referenced the PROTOCOLO SOBRE UNIFORMIDAD DEL  RÉGIMEN LEGAL DE LOS PODERES, known in English as the  Protocol on [...]

By |2019-08-29T15:04:41-07:00August 28th, 2019|Translation|

Interpreting, translating, supporting the profession

We completed another year of translation training! Daniela Guanipa joined me as co-trainer all year. Spanish writing: 10 sessions, September to November. Preparation for the ATA Spanish translation certification exam: 17 sessions, January to May. What do the students who finished the course say? They have become much better translators over the 17 weeks of [...]

By |2019-06-17T20:57:12-07:00June 17th, 2019|Certification, Interpreting, Spanish, Translation, Writing|

Good Spanish writing is not an accident

My book on Spanish writing, in draft form Getting Spanish writing right involves spelling, grammar, syntax... and plain old writing skills, just like in any other language. Except that writing in Spanish is the same as doing so English. Each language has its own rhythm, its own cadence. Tenses have different meanings in each [...]

By |2019-06-12T21:18:35-07:00June 12th, 2019|Language, Language Proficiency, Spanish, Translation, Writing|

Certified Spanish translators watch the details

I am an ATA certified Spanish translator. The ATA certification exam counts errors. It allows 17 error points in a 300 word text, and on point 18... you are out. Why? Back in the ‘80s I was a secretary in Argentina. I worked with a typewriter. When I typed a bid, a business letter or a [...]

By |2019-06-07T20:55:34-07:00June 7th, 2019|Translation, Writing|

Preparing a Translation for Submission to the United States Government

Many documents that are submitted to U.S. Government agencies must be submitted along with a statement indicating that the translator is skilled to perform their task. This can be called a translator’s statement, statement of accuracy, certification, translator’s declaration, etc. I’ll call it a “translator’s statement” here as I dive into the requirements that you [...]

By |2019-04-16T11:47:11-07:00April 16th, 2019|Certification, Ethics, Translation|
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