The Federal Government on Translation and Interpreting

Certification is key to quality language access. It includes both interpreting and translation. Poor quality translations and interpreting events lead to serious risks. When patients leave a doctor’s office, if they don’t understand the information they took home, they run serious risks. If a parent does not understand the Individualized Educational Plan for a student, [...]

Measuring Language Proficiency

What can be truly measured? I believe that listing the units by which something is measured is essential. In language proficiency testing, there are many scales being used. Level 1 can mean many different things. I will use units of length as an analogy. MIT students got this right when they measured in smoots. In [...]

By |2019-02-03T17:29:26-08:00May 2nd, 2017|Interpreting, Interpreting Standards|

Media interpreting for Dr. Menchú

On April 16 three OSTI interpreters interpreted for Dr. Rigoberta Menchu at Portland Public Schools. What was so cool about this? I had been in Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador back in 1987, one year after the Civil War officially ended in Guatemala. I remembered the trucks running around with military weapons in “democratic” El [...]

By |2019-02-03T17:20:34-08:00April 17th, 2015|Helen Eby, Interpreting, Interpreting Standards|
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