2020 conferences
You will find me, Helen Eby, at conferences. My speaking schedule is posted on the Calendar tab on my website. I will be speaking at the Oregon Society of Translators and Interpreters (OSTI) and the Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATI) conferences as well as carrying out my duties at the ATA conference, where I am also presenting a session. This year, I will cover a variety of topics: a business plan, an evaluation of our current and future situation, and best practices when translating something challenging, such as a translation for pharma. I like variety!
How is interpreting going?
I am interpreting as opportunities become available again. Because of the pandemic, interpreting has taken a big hit, and I am not willing to work in settings that compromise the quality of the services I provide. It does not serve my clients well. However, I was able to provide consecutive interpreting services for the mayor of Hillsboro in a Town Hall meeting, I was able to provide team remote simultaneous interpreting with a colleague for a large meeting for about four hours, and I have been providing interpreting services for some other clients who have contacted me directly as well. Interpreting in person in the courts is also starting up again. I love interpreting as much as I love translation, and I miss it when I am not able to do one or the other.
Has the situation changed in translation?
The translation market also slowed down for a bit, and during that time I was able to do some research and contribute to volunteer projects we needed to finish. It was an honor to be able to use my time well and serve the profession.
Spanish editing is needed
At this time, practices that were already in transition have continued to evolve. Some bilingual employees have, by necessity, started to take on the role of doing the Spanish writing themselves. Will translators with editing skills make themselves available to support these bilingual employees? That is the work that we are supporting at the Spanish Editors Association. Because of this need, SEA is growing and new members are joining our ranks. We welcome them. SEA is now working with other Spanish editor associations to support Spanish editors around the world. It is an exciting time.