Spanish is spoken in the United States, and this e-book is my contribution to Spanish writing in the US. As I looked for resources that spoke clearly about Spanish writing and addressed the needs of my clients, my colleagues and my students, I found many elements of useful material, but not a consolidated resource I could recommend without hesitation. I got to work.
My first draft on the computer was dated March 2010. It came from text written in a notebook, collected from books I have been picking up and are listed in my online catalog. Today, I celebrate teamwork. My colleagues have supported me since I started to think about Spanish writing with initial documents before 2010.
My book is accessible so students at public universities can use it without concern. It has been reviewed by colleagues who are professional editors, following professional practices. It is available as a free download to support all those who write in Spanish, both professional translators and interpreters, and bilingual employees in Washington County and other places.
This is a gift to my community. It is intended as an e-book, since it has many links to external resources, but is prepared for easy printing in black and white.
Spanish is spoken in the United States. It is written. May this be a resource that improves communication and helps others continue to work for better communication in Spanish in the US.